Monday 18 August 2014

Pay it forward

Everyday, everywhere we go, we are surrounded by people we don’t know. It is so easy for us to go about life only talking to people we know in our specific social circle, because there is no challenge when you already know someone. It's our comfort zone. Other than that, we talk to strangers only when necessary, whether its the waitress at a coffee shop or a teller at the bank.

My challenge to you is to talk to strangers. Yes I'm going against everything we were taught as children, but believe me when I say it's worth it. Small connections in everyday life with people you don’t know create an impact, whether you realise it or not. I don't mean you should get crazy and start talking to anyone that walks past you, rather people who you would engage with regardless. Take a bit of time to show someone attention at least once in your day.

It could be merely making eye contact when you thank a stranger for doing something for you, or it could be starting a conversation with someone in a queue. Make an effort to let people feel acknowledged and appreciated. If someone is providing a service for you, whether they are behind the till at a grocery store or delivering your newspaper, it takes nothing to smile at them or greet them by their name if you can.

There are so many jobs in society were people actually become invisible because of what they do. I started noticing this more and more working in an office environment. These people go about their day doing their job but often go unnoticed because they don't neccesarily have to converse with people. Every single person has their own stories, hardships and victories and it takes nothing to show interest in their lives (or at least talk about the weather).

I make sure that every time I meet someone I make an effort to greet them, smile at them or ask them a question. Nine times out of ten you will get a positive response back, and in turn that person will make someone else feel the same way. I do this because I know how I feel when someone makes that effort with me, and at times it’s actually made my day better.

There was a little moment I had once, where I rushed into a petrol station shop at night to buy something to drink. I walked to the counter to pay for my drink, and greeted the lady behind the counter happily, noticing that it said Lindie on her name tag. I asked if she was tired and had been working a long shift and she said yes and smiled at me. I only had what I thought were the exact amount of coins for this drink and didn’t bring my purse with me. When Lindie announced that my drink was in fact a few cents more than I expected, I thought I was going to have to leave it behind, and get back in my car embarrassed and thirsty (slightly dramatic for effect).

What happened next was that Lindie said four words I didn’t expect her to say: “Don’t worry about it”. This small act of kindness made a huge smile spread accross my face and I thanked her profusely. It wasn't about the few cents at all, it was one person doing a small kindness for another. Thank you Lindie for being so sweet to me in the smallest but most important way.

“Because that’s what kindness is. It’s doing something for someone else not because they can’t, but because you can”- Andrew Iskander

If you treat people with appreciation and respect, there is always a way that it will return to you in some part of your life. The more good you give out into the world, the more you will get back. x

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