Tuesday 26 August 2014

Living in a dream land

I love talking about dreams! It's this unexplainable and evanescent adventure that happens to us at night when we go to bed, and reach that stage of involuntary REM. I dream constantly about a variation of themes, and they are usually very vivid. At this moment I think of Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl who said she only dreams in black and white.

There are dreams that I have forgotten instantly as I've woken up, dreams I thought were actually reality when I woke up, and dreams that were utterly confusing. Then you get the nightmares... those few seconds when you wake up with a heart-wrenching feeling in your gut, a slight cold sweat and a heart beating faster than usual.

We always seem to find someone to talk to about our dreams to get an explanation or some type of clarity as to what they mean. I'm pretty sure my boyfriend isn't an oneirologist (a dream scientist- yes it exists) so I turned to the internet for assistance. I found this awesome website (below) where you can actually type in the details of your dream and find out at the click of a button how it can be interpreted. I'm not sure how accurate it is but I find myself doing it all the time.

For a while now I've been having this recurring dream of a tidal wave/tsunami. Sometimes I can just see it from a distance and I feel calm, and other times it distresses me and I find myself running and never getting further enough away from it. From my basic research I found out that any dream that involves a natural disaster is interpreted as something in your life you can't control. This is what the dream bot came up with, which I quite enjoyed:

"Tidal waves suggest that you are feeling extremely overwhelmed either emotionally or with responsibilities. Ask yourself what it is that is threatening to “sweep you away” emotionally or from your normal routine. The message is, just as the ocean ebbs and flows so will your current situation. In other words, hang in there, this too shall pass. Waves can also refer to a wave of inspiration."

I will always find it fascinating that dreams are these thoughts and experiences that are kept stored in our subconscious minds and released while we are in our deepest moments of sleep. Isn't that amazing?

Check out the website:

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