Monday 24 November 2014

Moving on

Our family are what you would consider 'modern day nomads' to a lesser extent. My parents build and sell houses, and we have lived in over 14 different homes in 4 different cities. This may seem exhausting, unsettling and stressful (and believe me it is all of these things), but moving from one place to another so often has taught me many valuable life lessons, and shaped who I am as an adult.

When packing your home up into movable boxes, you really start to examine the use and importance of everything you own as an individual and as a family. Sentimental at heart, this was a tough pill for me to swallow because I always had that 'what if I go here' or 'what if I need it for that' fear at the back of my mind. If you packed up your life as often as I have, you find yourself developing a thick skin for getting rid of things you don't need. From a young age I was told to keep a memory box. This box is filled with special sentimental items that I want to treasure for years to come, and couldn't possibly part with. If an item is not important enough to keep in that box, wear or seem useful in some way, it goes! I have got being ruthless down to a fine art these days, and it actually helps not having the excess clutter overwhelming me. This also leads onto the next lesson I have learnt...

Moving often means that things around our home are always reasonable neat and orderly, because we probably just unpacked it or are about to pack it (#storyofmylife). This has taught me to always keep things organised, which is a very beneficial habit to have. I always know where things are in my room and in my home, and I have been commended at work for the convenient quality of being tidy and organised. Some call it border-line OCD, I call it a regulated lifestyle.

There is something exciting about moving into a new home for the first time. I see it as a brand new adventure and an unfamiliar environment to get used to. This also includes meeting new people if you are in a new city, or simply going to a different shop to do your weekly groceries. Variety is healthy, and really allows me to learn different things about myself and surroundings. I never have the chance to get bored or feel stagnated, and I believe wholly in that saying 'variety is the spice of life'.

Adapt or die
Since finishing high school and moving away from home, I have always found it easy to adapt to different environments and social settings. Moving into a new home in a new city may seem daunting for most, but for me its just a stepping stone in the journey I call my life. This will come very much in handy when I move to Thailand to work next year, because even though it is a foreign country I have never been to, I know I will adapt faster than most people that have lived in the same home in the same city all their lives. Throw me in a different country with a strange language and some fresh faces, and I will start unpacking that suitcase faster than you can imagine. x

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