Tuesday 25 November 2014

20 Facts about Me

Just so that you can all get to know me on a more personal level, I thought I would share 20 lil facts about me, Sarah. I am definitely a what you see is what you get kind of girl, so a lot of the time the way I write is the way I think out loud too.

I consider my blog a collection of every day moments and authentic topics that I think about all the time- hence the name 'she thinks like me'. I want this blog to be a place where everyone and anyone can spend some time relating, taking note of, agreeing or disagreeing with or just having a look. Whatever you want really! Here goes...

1. I love sleeping. I literally get excited to go to bed at night, and I usually always make sure I get my 8 hours clocked in.

2. My fingernails and toes are ALWAYS painted and I like to change the colours every few days. My gran would constantly tell me how chipped or badly kept nails mean that you don't care about yourself. I couldn't agree more!

3. I am of French, British and Dutch decent.

4. My boyfriend calls me strange but funny names and they mostly have to do with my height (I'm 5'3). Stumpie, oompaloompa, hobbit... the list goes on!

5. My mom is a fashion designer. She has always been there to guide me into my own personal style, and teach me how to keep it simple, as well as create countless beautiful race day outfits and dance dresses for me over the years. I shudder to think what I would leave the house looking like if it weren't for her input!

6. My guilty pleasure is reading magazines. I sometimes stop myself from buying too many. I honestly read them from cover to cover and I love a good self-help article or a creative fashion spread. I once got the winning letter in Seventeen mag and won a prize- claim to fame haha

7. I have been told on many occasions that I get overenthusiastic about things, especially events! I could even be getting too enthusiastic about this list?

8. The only time I like to be alone is when I'm shopping so that I have a clear mind of what I need to purchase. Other than that I much prefer having people around! I have never been that person who enjoys sitting in my room all day #boring

9. I do, however, get obsessed with series and I can watch them all day to the point where I could possibly develop bed sores. Last year I watched 4 seasons of Breaking Bad in a week. Good thing I have a job now!

10. I am usually either early or on time for everything and I freak out if someone else makes me late. I just believe that being late is the height of rudeness (unless you have a valid reason).

11. I drive really fast. I have a need for speed, what can I say?

12. I have a reasonably olive skin tone but I try to avoid tanning anything over 15 minutes at a time. Skin cancer runs in my family so I make sure I always wear sunscreen and don't bake myself in the sun. I am all about self tanner and I'm not even ashamed to admit it.

13. I could sell an organ to watch Beyonce live. Come to South Africa Bey I'm begging you! Can you sense my desperation?

14. I love crisp clean white sheets. There are not many things in life better than good linen, which further emphasizes how much I love sleeping if it wasn't already clear.

15. I always have something to say and I can talk to pretty much anyone in any social setting. When I am quiet that's when you know something is wrong. My boyfriend is well aware of this.

16. Every part of my soul hates doing the dishes. When I moved to Durban I chose my apartment based on the fact that it had a dishwasher (and a balcony...but I digress). Just the idea of cleaning old crusty food and slimy sauce etc off cutlery makes me want to gag. Lets not even talk about letting the water out afterwards!

17. Any destination involving the beach is my idea of a perfect holiday. Give me some sea and sand (and maybe a cocktail) and I am a happy girl! We are going to Mozambique in the December holidays over Christmas, and my excitement is gaining momentum by the day.

18. I love children. I could sit with kids all day and tell stories or play games and colour in. Children are innocent and funny and optimistic little gems that have no realisation of all the sadness, fear and anger in this big bad world. Being a teacher in Thailand next year will be a dream for me!

19. I have so many beautiful heels and I adore them but I almost never get to wear them. I am required to wear flat shoes in my work environment because of dangerous printing machinery, and on top of that I live in a small town where girls don't wear heels when they go out (It's seen as trying too hard). Its a sad situation really, I just look at them sitting neatly in my cupboard everyday.

20. I have always enjoyed writing, and English was my favorite subject in high school. Shakespeare, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Tolstoy! Having a blog is my own way of being able to write, and I get so much pleasure out of it. x

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