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In that time being a newly-appointed student in a strange big city, with thousands of people I had never met before and complete responsibility for every decision I made, I realised how difficult leaving the comforts of home would be. This would not be the first time.
When I discovered after a year that the degree I was studying and the university I had chosen were not at all what I was expecting or enjoying, I made the tough decision of moving back home and starting all over again. My parents were understanding and supportive, and helped me choose a degree I actually found interesting. I decided that I still had that burning desire to be away from home and prove my autonomy, so I moved to a flat in Durban with a friend.
After nearly 3 years of living in Durban as a student, and finding part time jobs for extra money, I considered myself quite the adult. I had finished my degree and now what? My parents advised me that they would only pay for my rent etc while I was studying, so I moved back home (again) and started a new job.
In that time living away from home I had many moments of awareness that I am in fact far from being a full-fledged adult. Here are just some of them...
1. Waking up in the morning at my flat and realising that there is no milk, or bread, or eggs...Oops! I forgot to do grocery shopping yesterday, or I was too lazy. Either way breakfast is going to suck.
2. Locking myself out of my flat when my roommate is out of town and the only person I phone is my mom cause I can't deal, only to be told that I actually need to sort the problem out myself and find a locksmith like an adult (which I clearly am not)
3. Losing my cellphone and camera at a club in all of one night and telling everyone they got stolen when I was actually just drunk and dropped them on the floor like breadcrumbs
4. Living the first week after payday like I'm Donald Trump and then the rest of the time I'm driving around in neutral and eating 2 minute noodles
5. Trying to figure out how my mom washed my clothes all my life because mine are now wrinkly, half damp and smell a little like old bath water
6. Getting sick and automatically going home for the weekend cause I have no idea what medicine to buy, or where the closest doctor is, or what medical aid I'm on.
7. Thinking that a bank statement is that little piece of paper you get when you draw money out of the ATM. No Sarah,it most definitely is not. Bless your heart. x
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