Thursday 29 January 2015

The do's and dont's of a wedding guest

Wedding season is fast approaching for all those individuals who are lucky enough to tie the knot with their one true love. I personally have two weddings to attend in the next 2 months and I am so very excited! I mean who doesn't love weddings? Side-note: can I just say that at the age of 23 I am yet to be a bridesmaid, and at this point I will agree to be one at your wedding even if I don't know you. Is that weird?

Anyway, I thought it would be helpful (or at least somewhat entertaining) to discuss the do's and dont's of a wedding guest. Yes, as a guest you are enormously insignificant in the greater scheme of things, and you might even find yourself missing from every single photo that was taken that night, but it is important to understand a few things before attending a wedding. Listen up!

It's her day, not yours

Ladies, don't try to outshine the bride in any way, it really is all about her not you. This is the most vital piece of information I can share with you, and you should take it very seriously. Thinking of wearing a floor length fuchsia pink dress worthy of the Golden Globes? Think again. I heard a friend once refer to the woman in question who did the above as 'that bitch with the bright pink dress'. She threw the focus off all the wedding photos and possibly hasn't been spoken to since. You might think I am being slightly dramatic but I am so serious, stick to the neutrals! Unless you are planning on running away with the groom, I suggest you take note.

Good gifting

Do get the bride and groom a tasteful and slightly expensive gift. I know its tough out there with the economy and all, but decent wedding gifts really are unavoidable. Think about it, they have carefully and specifically chosen you to come to their wedding, eat and drink for free, wear a pretty dress and dance all night. The least you could do is buy them a white platter for their new home. My whole observation is that if you give good gifts they will not go unnoticed, and you will make a great impression whether you know the person well or not.

Blame it on the alcohol

Don't get drunk at a wedding. This is probably the easiest mistake to make, especially when there is an open bar-am I right? What you need to remember is that a wedding is not a birthday party or an after party or really any kind of party, its a celebration of a union of two people. Weddings should be respected for what they are, and shooting tequila's like they are pineapple juice is just not okay. Don't linger by the bar, down drinks like a varsity student or have a quiet vom in the garden, you're better than that.

My name is

Do introduce yourself and meet new people at a wedding, whether you are familiar with the crowd or not. I am all about subtle social networking wherever I am, and meeting fresh faces is so enriching. Whether its a constant traveler, an individual with a strong opinion, a funny joker or a successful business woman, make connections and you might just find a true friend or even the love of your life. The possibilities are endless!

Kiss and tell

Please don't hook up with every eligible guy at the wedding, its a formal event not an episode of the bachelorette. This goes hand in hand with drinking too much and a certain level of desperation. Throwing yourself on strangers is a recipe for disaster, and at weddings you never really know if they are related to you or not. I know it's hard for the single ladies to watch someone they know get married to the man of their dreams, but you've got to stop kissing the rando you just met and do you girl!

Perfect timing

Do leave the wedding at a reasonable time. It's kind of rude to leave too early (straight after dinner) because you have an early morning yoga class or some family member is getting on your last nerve. There is also nothing worse than those people who can't take a hint when it's time to leave, even once the music has been switched off and the venue is being cleared out. No one likes a lingerer-unless you're helping to clean up.x

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