Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Chivalry is NOT dead

I constantly hear complaints from women about chivalry being a thing of the past, and men not treating women the way they used to. What I would like to point out is that women are in fact allowing this to happen without even realising. Our expectations are lowering by the day...

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Take my car, test my strength

On Valentines Day, February the 14th 2012, I was hijacked. I thought long and hard before writing this blog post because it was a very painful experience for me. Only a few friends and family up until this point know what happened that night, but I thought this would be an opportunity to advise others, especially young girls such as myself, in a positive and helpful way.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Why girls take so long to get ready

I am pretty sure that the average guy has had his time waiting for a girl to get ready, whether it's a mother, sister or girlfriend. Yes I hear you, its irritating and frustrating and sometimes results in an argument or being late. Why, you ask, do girls take so long to get ready? Well let me break it down for you in the simplest and most polite way.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

The real pet obsession

So this last sunny Sunday was rather relaxed, as are all the other Sundays in my home. We had guests over who are friends of my parents and whom I hardly know and have little in common with, but I digress. As we were sitting casually outside, all with our chosen drinks in hand, my mind started to wander off with boredom. These people had been talking about their pets for over an hour, I'm not joking.

Monday, 13 October 2014

My first corporate event

I was asked to organise a Wellness Day event for the printing company I'm working for, which took place a few days ago after weeks of planning. Hence being too busy to write this blog post until now! Because the staff work in a heavily mechanised environment, events like these are considerably important to each individual working in the company.

The service providers I invited to the event were the Fort Napier team (blood pressure, aids test, mental health), Virgin Active (fitness tests), Capitec Bank (financial planning), the Eye Wellness Group and a private dietitian. We provided healthy goodie bags for each attendee and lucky draw prizes such as gym towels, caps, water bottles and pedometers to name a few. There were still questions from the guys as to where the braai meat, biltong and beer was, but it was 'Wellness Day' hello!

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Teen Adult

There is something comical about leaving the nest and then inevitably returning to the nest. Just when you think you have become this mature adult who calls all the shots and buys her own clothes, you are soon reminded that you are far from Miss Independent.