Wednesday 25 February 2015

6 Things I wish actually existed

The 6 things I wish actually existed on earth...this is what I daydream about when I am staring blankly into the distance. I have an outrageous imagination as you can see, but I am pretty sure most of you can agree with my non-existent inventions. In a perfect world all of the following would exist.

1. A Reggies Rush 'Zara Edition'

There is nothing I would love more than to relive my childhood dream inside the walls of Zara, the epitome of a girls fantasy wardrobe in one single shop. The fact that the store changes every 2 weeks makes me genuinely sad sometimes. Like where do all those clothes go? Give them to me! I would have a whole strategy as to how I would navigate the shop to grab as many items in my size that I possibly could in the short amount of time that I am given. I forget whether it was a even a minute, but that is enough for me. My black belt in shopping would aid me well I think!

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2. A bottomless cappuccino that never finishes

I don't care if this makes me a basic bitch, I friggin love cappuccino. I love drinking it, instagramming it, eating the lil biscuit on the side- all day errrday. I wish a bottomless version existed so that it could sit alongside my laptop at work every day and guide me through the tough times. Please can someone invent this? Preferably a hipster who knows a lot about Columbian roast?

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3. Calorie-free McDonalds

Yes, I eat McDonalds on rare occasions, despite the fact that I don't even know if it is actually food or squishy plastic covered in MSG. It tastes fantastic! I actually felt like eating some chicken McNuggets after watching Super Size Me. The only problem I have with McDonalds is that if I ate it as regularly as I wish I could, I would be as large as Jupiter. Calorie-free McDonalds that tastes exactly the same as regular McDonalds, why don't you exist?

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4. A Cellphone battery that never dies

My cellphone has died in the most inconvenient moments where I actually wish I could smash it into a million pieces. One of these moments was when I locked myself out of my flat by mistake, my room mate was away on holiday, and as I looked down at my phone it died before my very eyes. How could you do this to me in my time of need? Couldn't you hold on for a few more seconds? Seriously guys its 2015. We have 3D televisions, Google glasses and robotic arms but no one can invent a cellphone battery that lasts more than a day...sigh.

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5. A Car that runs on air

There are only a few necessary life activities that I can't stand carrying out, and one of them is filling up with petrol. I have mentioned this more than once so I shall not continue with my rant. I apologise to my local BP service station for always being in an awful mood when I am there, can you blame me? I wish with all my heart that a car that runs purely on air existed for me to drive. I would undoubtedly have a lot more money and a lot more enthusiasm about driving!

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6. A Yearly Weather prediction app

I am one of those people who can dance in the rain when the opportunity presents itself, but I imagine a world where I could plan ahead according to the weather. I wish there was a weather app that told you precisely what the weather would be like from tomorrow to a years time. Imagine how many perfect sunny beach weekends and well chosen outfits there would be? No thunderstorms on your wedding day honey. A girl can only dream! x

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