Be passionate
Why not take a page out of a child's book and be as passionate about a project as they are. Completing a task could be like building a Lego castle, starting a new hobby could be like learning how to ride a bike. There is nothing more passionate and thrilling than the imagination, hopes and dreams of a child. Attempt to incorporate that passion into everything you do, and it will show through.
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Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy... all of those fictional characters that we once thought were real as kids are the purest form of believing without seeing. As adults we think that no one can be trusted, and we have formed the mentality that 'if you want something done right, do it yourself'. Rather believe in yourself and believe in others. The people around you are there to teach you, guide you and assist you. If you have goals that are far-reaching, or if you want to study further, or get your dream job, or buy that house, believe in your abilities to work hard enough to achieve it. Pretend you are your own superhero and conquer the obstacles that get in your way.
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When was the last time you laughed so hard that your stomach hurt and tears ran down your face? Even though there are many things in life that seem to make it difficult to laugh, you don't always have to be so serious and on edge. A scientific study shows that children laugh approximately 300 times a day where adults laugh only 4 times a day (if that). It's so good to just let go and have a good laugh, whether its a comedy show, a good joke or something silly your friend did. Laughter makes us friendlier, happier people, and it is actually said to lower stress levels. How can you be sad and stressed when you are laughing?? Exactly.
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Children live in the moment every day of their lives, only thinking of the future when there is something to look forward to. Adults, on the other hand, have to think about bills and payments and meals and laundry and so many other things, that our minds are hardly ever involved in the present moment. Every now and then being spontaneous makes life more of an adventure. Whether you decide to dance in the rain, get in your car and go somewhere new or just do something out of the blue without over-analyzing and questioning it. There is something about being playful and fearless that creates lifelong memories.
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When the worries of the world become too much as an adult it is very easy to be negative and think of what could go wrong versus what could go right. See the world as a glass half fill, a giant silver lining if you will. Don't just assume that the worst is going to happen in everything you do, because negativity is a vicious cycle of expecting less and therefore getting less back. I am all for the power of positivity. The same goes for not allowing other negative people to weigh you down, but rather surrounding yourself with optimistic and enthusiastic people that motivate you.
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Children cast no judgement on others according to their race, gender or status in society, they see each individual for who they are. At the same time, they are honest to the point of being hilarious, and have no trouble telling you exactly how they feel As adults we keep quiet about a lot of things, and maybe don't tell people how we really feel to avoid confrontation. Instead of trying to figure out who likes you and what people think of you, rather think of the people that YOU like, and which people add value to your life. When someone is upsetting you or causing you pain, speak up about it and resolve the problem. It may not be easy, but it is better to say how you feel instead of suffering in silence.
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Children play from the morning they wake up until the moment they go to sleep at night, and their ceaseless energy is to be admired. With our routines and our jobs and children taking up so much time, fun usually falls to the bottom of the list. It is so important to find time on weekends or days off to do fun and inexpensive activities with friends or as a family. Life is too short to spend your days doing the same boring tasks. As Katharine Hepburn once said, "If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun" x
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