We all have friends for different purposes in our lives whether its for enjoyment, support or comfort. Its good to know that when something comes up, we have a few friends that we can rely on to be there for us. These are the 7 types of friends every girl needs.
The Fun Singleton aka Cameron Diaz
She's so single that it's almost a way of life. This friend is always up for cocktails, a Friday night party or any other opportunity to have fun. When you have those moments where you feel like an unsociable hobbit living in middle-earth, she's the one you call because she will invariably know where to go and how to get you out of your rut. She's also there for that 'lets get back on the horse' stage of a break-up, not to be mistaken with the 'I might cry if I hear his name' stage. Nobody wants to deal with that unless you're...
If ever there is something going wrong in your life, or a tragedy has taken place, you need that one friend that you know will truly listen to you. She displays sympathy with a consoling arm over your shoulder and kind eyes, and doesn't judge your ugly crying face when the water-works start. She always knows the right thing to say and her advice is out the top drawer. She's also the friend that will agree to watch the notebook with you for the 18th time and bring you a basket of thoughtful treats when you're in hospital.
The Spontaneous Crusader aka Lady Gaga
You will never be bored if you have a friend like her. Whether its bungee jumping, jet ski riding or going on a road trip, she's prepared for anything and thrives on unpredictability. She will usually call you out of the blue to ask if you want to attend a low-key comedy show or go to a music festival. On the other hand, when you have found something fun to do she will come along with no hesitation.
The Professional Shopper aka Carrie Bradshaw
When you're feeling a bit out of the loop with the trends of the fashion world or just need someone to shop with for guidance, she's your girl. She spends an abnormal amount of time at malls and factory shops and she knows whenever there is a sale. She always looks effortlessly put together and you find yourself secretly forming a love-hate attitude towards how fashionable she is. It's either her or Pinterest, you choose.
The Gym Bunny aka Jen Selter
She's got a hot body, which is a pretty good indication that she knows what she's doing at the gym. Whether she realises or not, you're analysing everything she does so that you can get the desired effect. She may even go as far as assisting you with healthy eating and sending you motivational messages. If she is one of those alien-beings that simply has a fast metabolism and goes to gym for fun, she's still nice to train with and talk to while you do your squats.
The Corporate Grinder aka Beyonce
Consider this successful friend the constant reminder of what you strive to be. She has travelled extensively, completed her degree with flying colours and landed her dream job with a fat salary. Her work ethic and multi-tasking is something to be admired, and she somehow gets everything done. Her smart investments and jet-setting lifestyle are enough to reduce you to feeling like a high school girl, but at the same time you take note because you are hoping to head in that direction. She has the same amount of hours as you in a day... how does she do it?
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The Lifelong Friend aka Emma Watson
She is that BFF that will always be there, whether you see her every day or once a year. Reliable, trustworthy and consistent, like that favourite top that always makes you feel pretty. She will be the maid of honour at your wedding one day and probably attend every other important milestone in your life. You have known her long enough that she has collected up stories and personal jokes, as well as secrets that could end your life as you know it. The definition of this type of friend is someone you can sit in silence with and it's never awkward. Hold on to this one. x
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