Tuesday 28 October 2014

Chivalry is NOT dead

I constantly hear complaints from women about chivalry being a thing of the past, and men not treating women the way they used to. What I would like to point out is that women are in fact allowing this to happen without even realising. Our expectations are lowering by the day...

Generally speaking, I am not a feminist because I have no reason to be. I feel that women and men should be treated as equals in society, which does not mean to say that we are the same as men because that would obviously make us... men. We should celebrate that we are women instead of trying to prove to everyone that we are not. There is nothing wrong with the comfort in knowing that men are there to protect us and provide for us. What is so bad about that? I challenge any woman to volunteer to see what that strange noise is in the middle of the night, or get rid of that huge bug that just crawled under the kitchen table (the same table you are now standing on, screaming no doubt).

Modern women have it in their heads that they don't need a man to do things for them if they can do it themselves. I know a few ladies that outwardly refuse to have a guy open the car door for them. I am not saying this is wrong, of course we can open the car door for ourselves, but why then do these same women complain about chivalry being dead in the next breathe? The same goes for refusing to go on a date with a guy because he seemed 'too keen', or pulling a face when a guy offers to carry your heavy bags. My opinion is that we get what we think we deserve from those around us. If you accept rude behaviour from ill-mannered men then what kind of standard are you setting for yourself? Instead of making assumptions about all men being the same and lacking any form of chivalry, why not look towards your own actions first.

My boyfriend always opens the door for me, has perfect manners and offers to pay for dinner. Not once have I asked him to do any of these things, or to stop doing them. This is not to say that all men are like him, but from my experience a large majority of men are. As I have mentioned before, I work in a male-dominated environment. I will confirm with confidence that not once have I questioned the manners or chivalry of one single man that works with me. Not a day goes by that a door isn't opened for me, or a chair pulled back for me at lunch. Men always greet politely in the workplace and I am often called ma'am or miss if they do not know my name. Yes, there are always those select few assholes that were maybe breast-fed too long as children to have learnt manners and respect, but those are the men you should run in the opposite direction from in any case. Ever heard the saying 'manners maketh man'? It could not be more true, and it separates the gentlemen from the boys.

Ladies, chivalry is not dead if you actually allow men to be chivalrous towards you and show appreciation in return. Modern day woman or not, you deserve to be treated like a lady and let a man be a man. x

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