Sunday, 12 July 2015

When life takes over

I had this idea that once I had moved halfway across the world to Bangkok, I would be immensely inspired by everything around me and therefore have a constant flow of moments and events to discuss in detail on my blog. The truth is that I am inspired by this city in so many overwhelming ways that I seldom find the words to explain the experiences that I am going through. I like to think of it as having all the words and emotions in a bowl of alphabet soup, but not being able to digest them into sentences. Does that make sense at all or does it sound like a super weird bio lesson?

Other than being overwhelmed and speechless at the best of times, I am also busier than I have ever been. I used writing as a mechanism of escaping my somewhat vanilla life back home, and I am now on this whirlwind adventure, along with a teaching job that keeps me occupied anytime in-between. Sometimes I will look at my phone and I haven't even had the time to reply to a simple text message. Sitting quietly with my laptop and my thoughts is a difficult feat when there is so much going on around me.

So here comes the point of this blog post-life takes over sometimes. I place certain interests and hobbies in a list of priorities and often they slip to the bottom of that list when I have too much on my plate. Living in a foreign country is a challenge and an adventure, and after a few months I finally have the urge to find the time to write again! So for all the sweet strangers and friends and family members out there that are reading this (Hi Mom), I have returned from hibernation and I will be writing a whole lot about a whole lot from now on. x